Lake Como

 Day 2 - Transfer to Lake Como


"This lake exceeds anything I ever beheld in beauty. . ."  Shelley, 1818

We all have visions of how beautiful Lake Como will be.  One of the famous Italian Lakes, with centuries of Italian history, it has been a popular resort area since the days of the Roman Empire.  Lake Como is long, slender and deep, and its shores showcase gorgeous villas, lush gardens, tranquility and glamour.  

Shortly after losing his prime-ministership in the 1945 elections, Winston Churchill, stunned by the defeat, left for an extended painting holiday on the shores of Lake Como. Of his visit he wrote, "An air of complete tranquillity and good humor pervades these beautiful lakes and valleys, which are unraveled by war.  There is not a sign to be seen in the countryside, the dwellings or the demeanor of the inhabitants which would suggest that any violent events have been happening in the world."

Located in the Lombardy region, this lake of glacial origins has an area of 56 sq. miles, making it the third largest lake in Italy. With a depth of 1,300 feet, it is one of the deepest lakes in Italy.  The bottom of the lake is more than 660 feet below sea level.

Lake Como is shaped like an inverted Y, or as Rick Steves says,  "... like a stick figure of a man with two legs striding out." The city of Como is at the end of one foot, while Bellagio, where we will visit on the excursion, is located "right where the two legs come together - and the subject of funny, if crude, local rhymes you can learn when you visit". Again, Rick Steves' words. 

Someone (Hungate, Margie, or Gwen come to mind), please remember to ask about the rhymes and share with the group!
The first few kilometers of the legs at the southern end of the lake are relatively flat, but Lake Como becomes more mountainous as you head northwards into the AlpsShelley also wrote this about the lake:  “It is long and narrow, and has the appearance of a mighty river winding among the mountains and the forests.”  

The climate is humid subtropical.  When we visit, the average temperature will be 75 for the high with cool, 60 degree evenings. Rain showers are common so maybe pack a poncho. 

Watch Yann Arthus-Bertrand's breathtaking aerial view of the lake.

Read the history of Lake Como. 


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